Originally Posted by BradM
It has nothing to do with being a loser. Sometimes what happens is someone is on a group plan as part of their job or whatever, and have pre existing conditions that are pretty expensive to cover. They lose their job... move on or what not and try to get coverage. Because it is illegal to withhold pre existing conditions, they have to list all the medications and issues they have.
They either get:
1) A quote back for $900+ a month
2) A denial letter
Either one doesn't work, because most Americans work paycheck to paycheck (and sometimes worse than that) and the cost to insure themselves is way too much.
Exactly this and not only that, those whom do have health insurance often get denials for their needed treatment despite paying for coverage. This isn't a "loser" issues as it is rather a scam that has taken over the heath care industry.
The health insurance industry is quite simply "broken".. no other words need apply. The drive for profits have put greed above all else.