11-05-2009, 09:46 PM
The People's Post
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Posts: 61,646
hey- also, thank you harvey, good stuff as per usual!
Originally Posted by harvey
great answer and totally true
there are a lot of things to keep in mind. Most designers will say "yes I can do it" and that would be true in most cases. But if you want some accuracy, you'll need to define things. ie: which niche? are they going to be FHG or galleries you want to submit by yourself? if the second: do you plan to submit to sites like The Hun or to thumbs TGPs? what about thumbs? do you want to be generic templates so you could add thumbs at a later time or do you want the thumbs added in the gallery from the start? if the second: would you provide the set with the given amount of pics or do you want the designer to choose 16/20/whatever pics from a batch? interactivity? RSS galleries for blogs? script enhanced galleries?
as you can see, there's more than simply throwing some thumbs in a template. You've marketing (as Bake mentioned) and you've behavior, technology, features and so on. Personally, I don't do galleries anymore unless I'm specially requested by my clients and usually as a favor, because most people won't pay what I need to charge. And certainly I would never work without an upfront payment, so the best I can do within your requirements is recommend you Deej or a guy called Xerex or something like that. Fletch used to do simple yet nice galleries as well, dunno if he still does them since I see his wife is recommending him for banners in this same thread, but anyway, worth asking