None of the sex tapes you have on your landing page exist either so quit acting like you give a shit. There is no John and Kate sex tape no Gina Carano sex tape no Lady gaga sex taoe but you are advertising all of those on your landing page but none exist.
Your only source of traffic was from spamming your domain on blogs and forums. I have no problem with that except for the Hannah Montana website you spammed which is fucked up but I know for a fact that comment traffic does not convert at 1:300 or 1:400 or 1:500 or even 1:1000. The best it converts at is 1:10,000 or more and I know because I have dealt in millions and millions of hits of this traffic. I don't think you carded but in my opinion you used the virtual credit card trick to buy trials and tried to hide it and got caught. There is no way on this earth you got those numbers with comment traffic and nobody knows that more than me.