Originally Posted by DamianJ
Great addition. Nice points! It's a tad more advanced than I wanted to go with the first post, but everything you said is spot on right!
Anytime, I like contributing to valuable posts ;)
The amount of money the adult industry leaves on the table is absolutely ridiculous and it is the main factor that drew me to this industry. I could probably work with just about any program and show a 30% - 50% growth in revenue in less than six months...
Between registration / conversion funneling, email campaigns, customer retention, and reworking signup pages alone you could see, possibly, even greater than a 50% lift... depends on the current state of things...
The best advice I can offer to this industry, as it stands right now, is to pay attention to main stream sites... not just what they're offering and doing but look, specifically, at other subscription based models. Check their email frequency, the content of their emails. Setup multiple accounts and keep some active and some not... see what the differences are. Look at registration pages, look at subscription and billing pages.
I'm fortunate enough to work with nine figure monthly marketing budgets and marketing teams that understand the value of stats and statistical user tracking. Running eight and nine figure A/B tests provide very accurate results and reveal some very interesting information... The bottom line is, if you aren't tracking what you're talking about, it's all just a guess. It may be an educated guess but it's still a guess.