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Old 05-07-2010, 10:46 AM  
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Porn Coporation Feedback

So firstly, i would define the site, right now its a bit of everything and your search results will be scatter shot (side note theme specific sites typically convert the traffic that comes in much better)

For changes I would add in simple "about us" and use that to define the site to anyone clicking around, then in a static main page first post i would do a styling paragraph, by this i mean you prime the surfer to your sales pitches by styling who you are selling it to them.

In this case the "corporation" I would sell it as porn at work type site, and theme the updates to match. (not staff or office content only just that you are in an office and you made this site to get away with something).

I would look at selling vpn or privacy software as an offshot of this, then use the general history of your previous posts, to sell it as dont go here unless you have X on or are surfing thru X dont let the man bust your ass.

So now that you themed it out a bit more; I would go and change some small elements, since you are using wordpress, I would look for social integration modules, social bookmark modules and add them in, allow people to bookmark your site in any way they want. ( a really cool integration of this is on check out their social bookmark links.)

Since you have few comments on your posts hide them, or fake them, 0's across the board dont bring people back they make people go away.

Remove any unsold ad inventory, if you dont have an advertiser you dont have a spot. Make your site better for the user, rather than the potential advertiser.

Grab a mobile module and allow people to take your site wherever they want (read bathroom break ;)).

Move up your navigation to closer to the top, its lost on my screen and i have a 24 inch monitor. Second part to this people expect some top navigation add some functionality for your surfers here. Also if your going to have an updates calendar show it off near the top, people like knowing you update with a quick glance.

Move the latest posts side bar to the main page and put it under the main post theme area i described above.

I noticed quite a few uncategorized posts on the main page its a waste to do this, define the category and make sure your pages are interlinked well, the tags and a tag cloud should all be off the main page, if only to allow google to run around your site like a ball in a box.

Moving to the archives pages, I love the rss feed on the side but why not find the coolest sites you like in adult and pull their feeds that correspond to these categories. Add in any cool links you like, this makes your site of value to the surfer and google as you created a relevant, valuable page. (i saw the link role just the two titles didnt make any sense and the links arent really niche specific or that cool)

Move your search closer to the top, (all pages for this) almost all surfers expect a search function and want it near the top, the closer it is to expected the lower your bounce rate.

There are some linking strategies and obvious stuff like syndicating your posts to twitter, creating a fan page for porn at work on facebook, stuff like that where you could drive the style of your site up and push the acceptance level, but thats more of a marketing strategy and I would start that after finishing off the simple changes first.
I could give two shits wether you read this sig or not.
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