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Old 06-30-2010, 10:14 AM  
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:2cents iPhone4 Reception, Shut up Already

Copied and pasted from

If you?re a gadget nerd, and I have to assume you are since you?ve come across this post, then you have also read the stories about Apple?s iPhone 4 and the strange issues plaguing the new handset. These issues range from reception problems, sensor defects and screen discoloration to name a few circulating the web. Every tech blog and rumor site is covering this story like an oil spill sprouted in silicon valley and honestly, it?s starting to get ridiculous. Now, before outlining why everybody needs to calm the fuck down I would like to say that Yes, Apple did drop the ball on this one but not because any of these aforementioned issues. Their only mistake? Giving the bored masses ammunition such as, ? You?re holding it wrong? and ?Just don?t hold it that way.? both of which paint Apple as uncaring and unresponsive to the issues. Imagine if they or more specifically Jobs could?ve kept his fingers off his keyboard on launch day, the story on blogs would?ve been ?Apple is working on a fix for the known reception issues! Hang tight! ? and every day that passes more $29.99 Apple branded rubber bands ( bumper cases) are sold. All that said, let me play arm chair psychologist with your shiny new iPhone4 and explain why what it is experiencing is completely normal and is nothing new.

Take a deep breath and put your new gadget into perspective. When hasn?t the iPhone and poor reception been the norm? The first generation iPhone launched to much fanfare but also had a metal back (and a plastic boot) and had significant signal deficiencies which led to the uglier plastic backs of the 3g and 3gs. Also, if you have one of these phones you are already familiar with ATT and the spotty service they provide. Just the ATT carrier press and sentiments alone amongst even the non-gadget wielding public should dampen great signal expectations of a new buyer. Simply put, if you picked up an iPhone 4 to use it solely as a phone you?re missing the point.

Next consider between the two pieces of glass is a great battery, beautiful screen, custom processor and a freggin? gyroscope. This beautifully thin bar of techno-soap has more processing capabilities than a laptop you could purchase just years ago, can find you within 3 meters on a detailed map and customizes itself to your lifestyle via applications. Complaining that this piece of multi-signal-connected-swiss-army-glass tucked in your pocket, that has more advanced technology packed within its? body than the spaceship Discovery, has less than favorable reception when held a certain way is sad and again is missing this point.

So what?s the point? If you are experiencing any of these issues circulating around the tech blogo-funnel you are seeing the completely normal and always present woes of being an early adopter. Apple sold an estimated 1.7 million iPhone4s within the weekend launch window and every last one of you/us have a harrowing story of how we managed to get our inpatient little hands around our very own. To be surprised that a new piece of technology launched on this scale has technical issues to iron out post launch is crazy.

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