What exactly is an Antiwhiner?
The term Antiwhiner is still evolving today and becoming more clear. Below is some definitions and examples as to what an Antiwhiner is.
An Antiwhiner is one who ironically whines about another person whining typically via online internet communications.
A "forum bully" who usually attacks or antagonizes other people who post their negative comments on a particular forum topic.
One who posts ironic non-reasoning replies to posts on why people post stuff they believe is non reasoning.
One who starts to 'ASSUME" and reply about 'conspiracy theories' as to why the poster is posting this message instead of just comprehending the point of the message
One who provides misleading information in an attempt to troll or stop the communication and to discredit.
One who enrages hatred towards this OP (originating poster) with a negative comment with intentions of insult or discredit and offer no real value to the discussion.
One who is obviously trying to discredit the op, by stalking their profile, looking for anything to belittle the OP. such as punctuation and grammar insults.
One who clearly instigating trouble against a persons stated opinion, to get the poster to lash back and discredit himself. AKA Trolling
One who constantly firing assumptions in mass quantities, as to do nothing more than discredit op.
Those telling others to "go away", or "why are you here" or using condescending attacks such as saying statements like 'You're Angry' is antiwhining
The 'I don't believe you, your purpose is to troll posts' or simply posting messages indicating or stating you are a troll.
One who posts those 'Why is it these people XXX like I care' posts, trying to get others to join in on the antiwhining, because obviously you care if you are posting this
One who simply can't handle other peoples opinions that differ from ones own and must antagonize OP for an ego boost is an Antiwhiner
One who tries to rationally take topic off subject, trying to act civilized but pure intention trying to insult intelligence level of poster and his whining
Lol, you just completely described yourself perfectly.
"WTF, on google you can find the answer to every question in human history, EXCEPT how to convert cams..
Its crazy..."