Originally Posted by **********
I agree that Brad should know about the TOS, and even if he didn't, he spoke for the company. However, the TOS says they do NOT pay out on suspected accounts. It's an interesting situation from a logical / legal standpoint. Regardless I hope it gets resolved to the mutual satisfaction of both.
There is no however... the only reason his account was labeled "suspect" was because of the incorrect info Brad gave him; information which, at best, contradicts some ambiguous line in their ToS.
Not that it ever will, but if this were to ever see a court of law.. all the OP would have to do is state that a. he read the ToS but being his native language is not English, he contacted their reps. Their rep told him it was ok, then later froze his account on "suspected fraud" and stole his money. He has proof of being told his methods of promotion were ok.
No matter how you look at it, it's a bitch move by yet another scumbag thieving company.