Graphics Designer looking for work ^^
Hello all!
I am a graphic designer with 10+years experience in print design, and 7+ years of experience in web design. I am re-launching my whole site, company and portfolio.
I am looking for side jobs, projects and contracts to make some new portfolio elements and increase my rep.
I am very good ad repairing and updating designs, building tottally new ones etc... you name it I can do it.
I have experience with:
- Mechbunny Templating and Design
- Drupal Templating and Design
- Wordpress templating and Design
- HTML & CSS up to the latest standard updates.
- Jquery and Jquery ui
- Advanced Photoshop Re-touching, branding etc...
I am very good with:
- PSD templates
- HTML and CSS modifications and site build
- Templating
- Logos
- Unique Graphic Design
- Mechbunny (from 2.0 to 4.1 experience) and Wordpress design
If you have a bad designer now is your chance to get a much better one!
Hit me up on my ICQ: 602829250 or in PM for further details.
I will share some works (some of them are under construction) so you could see what I am capable of. I hope to be working with you.
PS: Mechbunny templates for sale very soon.