When I stayed in California earlier this year and posted ads on craigslist looking for places to stay along the California, San Jose was one of them. There was a picture of me included in the post that looked nice, nothing overly provocative (the post was in housing).
I got an email from this older girl who was married, she was 62. She gave me a brief cut down of who she was and how she went to the gym 5-6 days a week.... It was agreed that rent would be $50 for a nice garage room and access to the community soak pool in their backyard.
So later on I get there and after unpacking decide to go for a swim. The husband is 62 and it very good shape, weird how chiseled he was (he apparently worked out too)....
After some chatting I realized that the couple has community soaks in this pool and the wife makes an off hand remark about "clothing being optional."
Then I find out the only shower for me to use is outside by the pool where the entire house can see the bather. I wondered if they voyeurs and if they watched me...
As we get out the pool the wife seems to almost deliberately fan her ass in front of me (it was good, but you can only fight old age so much) but the whole hubby thing really puts me at unease.
The following day I was out mostly exploring the area in car so nothing really happened, the wife never made much of a pass after that.
It would have been wise upfront to just ask if they were swingers.
So do any of you have good stories? I want to hear them, think about them, and implement them.