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Old 12-17-2011, 04:41 PM  
Making PHP work
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Originally Posted by Danmixz View Post
Anyone can fix this files for a quick $10 ??

Notice: Undefined variable: paid in /home/xxx/public_html/xxx/video.php on line 172

Notice: Undefined variable: paid in /home/xxx/public_html/xxx/video.php on line 206

PHP Code:
<?phpdefine('_VALID', true);require 'include/config.php';require 'include/function_global.php';require 'include/function_smarty.php';require 'classes/pagination.class.php';if ( $config['video_view'] == 'registered' ) {    require 'classes/auth.class.php';    Auth::check();}$pay = false;$vid = get_request_arg('video');if ( !$vid ) {    VRedirect::go($config['BASE_URL']. '/error/video_missing');}$active     = ( $config['approve'] == '1' ) ? " AND = '1'" : NULL;$sql        = "SELECT v.VID, v.UID, v.title,, v.keyword, v.viewnumber, v.type,                      v.addtime, v.rate, v.ratedby, v.flvdoname,, v.embed_code, v.width_sd, v.height_sd,v.hd,                      u.username, u.fname, v.credits               FROM video AS v, signup AS u WHERE v.VID = " .$vid. " AND v.UID = u.UID" .$active. " LIMIT 1";$rs         = $conn->execute($sql);if ( $conn->Affected_Rows() != 1 ) {    VRedirect::go($config['BASE_URL']. '/error/video_missing');}$hd = $rs->fields['hd'];$video_width        = $rs->fields['width_sd'];$video_height       = $rs->fields['height_sd'];$credits            = $rs->fields['credits'];$vid_uid            = $rs->fields['UID'];$player_width = 630;if ($hd==0)     {        $autoheight = round(630 * ($video_height/$video_width) + 22);        $player_width = 630;    }if ($hd==1)     {        $autoheight = round(960 * ($video_height/$video_width) + 22);        $player_width = 960;    }$video              = $rs->getrows();$video              = $video['0'];$guest_limit        = false;if ( !isset($_SESSION['uid']) && $config['guest_limit'] == '1' ) {    $remote_ip = ip2long($remote_ip);    require $config['BASE_DIR']. '/classes/bandwidth.class.php';    $guest_limit = VBandwidth::check($remote_ip, intval($video['space']));}$video['keyword']   = explode(' ', $video['keyword']);$uid                = ( isset($_SESSION['uid']) ) ? intval($_SESSION['uid']) : NULL;$is_friend          = true;if ( $video['type'] == 'private' && $uid != $video['UID'] ) {    $sql = "SELECT FID FROM friends            WHERE ((UID = " .intval($video['UID']). " AND FID = " .$uid. ")            OR (UID = " .$uid. " AND FID = " .intval($video['UID']). "))            AND status = 'Confirmed'            LIMIT 1";    $conn->execute($sql);    if ( $conn->Affected_Rows() == 0 ) {        $is_friend = false;    }}$sql        = "UPDATE video SET viewnumber = viewnumber+1, viewtime='" .date('Y-m-d H:i:s'). "' WHERE VID = " .$vid. " LIMIT 1";$conn->execute($sql);$sql        = "UPDATE signup SET video_viewed = video_viewed+1 WHERE UID = " .intval($video['UID']). " LIMIT 1";$conn->execute($sql);if ( isset($_SESSION['uid']) ) {    $sql    = "UPDATE signup SET watched_video = watched_video+1 WHERE UID = " .$uid. " LIMIT 1";    $conn->execute($sql);    $sql    = "SELECT UID FROM playlist WHERE UID = " .$uid. " AND VID = " .$vid. " LIMIT 1";    $conn->execute($sql);    if ( $conn->Affected_Rows() == 0 ) {        $sql    = "INSERT INTO playlist SET UID = '" .$uid. "' , VID = '" .$vid. "'";        $conn->execute($sql);    }}$sql_add        = NULL;if ( $video['keyword'] ) {    $sql_add   .= " OR (";    $sql_or     = NULL;        foreach ( $video['keyword'] as $keyword ) {        $sql_add .= $sql_or. " keyword LIKE '%" .mysql_real_escape_string($keyword). "%'";        $sql_or   = " OR ";    }    $sql_add   .= ")";}$sql_at     = NULL;$sql_delim  = ' WHERE';if ( $config['show_private_videos'] == '0' ) {    $sql_at    .= $sql_delim. " type = 'public'";    $sql_delim  = ' AND';}if ( $config['approve'] == '1' ) {    $sql_at    .= $sql_delim. " active = '1'";    $sql_delim  = ' AND';}$sql_at        .= $sql_delim;$sql            = "SELECT COUNT(VID) AS total_videos FROM video" .$sql_at. " channel = '" .$video['channel']. "' AND VID != " .$vid. "                   AND ( title LIKE '%" .mysql_real_escape_string($video['title']). "%' " .$sql_add. ")";$rsc            = $conn->execute($sql);$total_related  = $rsc->fields['total_videos'];if ( $total_related > 30 ) {    $total_related = 30;}$pagination     = new Pagination(10, 'p_related_videos_' .$video['VID']. '_');$limit          = $pagination->getLimit($total_related);$sql            = "SELECT VID, title, duration, addtime, rate, viewnumber, type, thumb, thumbs FROM video                   WHERE active = '1' AND channel = '" .$video['channel']. "' AND VID != " .$vid. "                   AND ( title LIKE '%" .mysql_real_escape_string($video['title']). "%' " .$sql_add. ")                   ORDER BY addtime DESC LIMIT " .$limit;$rs             = $conn->execute($sql);$videos         = $rs->getrows();$page_link      = $pagination->getPagination('video');$sql            = "SELECT COUNT(CID) AS total_comments FROM video_comments WHERE VID = " .$vid. " AND status = '1'";$rsc            = $conn->execute($sql);$total_comments = $rsc->fields['total_comments'];$pagination     = new Pagination(10);$limit          = $pagination->getLimit($total_comments);$sql            = "SELECT c.CID, c.UID, c.comment, c.addtime, s.username,, s.gender                   FROM video_comments AS c, signup AS s                    WHERE c.VID = " .$vid. " AND c.status = '1' AND c.UID = s.UID                    ORDER BY c.addtime DESC LIMIT " .$limit;$rs             = $conn->execute($sql);$comments       = $rs->getrows();$page_link_c    = $pagination->getPagination('video', 'p_video_comments_' .$video['VID']. '_');$page_link_cb   = $pagination->getPagination('video', 'pp_video_comments_' .$video['VID']. '_');$start_num      = $pagination->getStartItem();$end_num        = $pagination->getEndItem();$self_title         = $video['title'] . $seo['video_title'];$self_description   = $video['title'] . $seo['video_desc'];$self_keywords      = implode(', ', $video['keyword']) . $seo['video_keywords'];//var_dump($video);if($credits != 0 && $vid_uid!=$uid){    $sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM credits_transfer WHERE FROM_UID='$uid' AND VIDEO_ID='$vid'");    if(mysql_num_rows($sql)==1){        $paid = true;            } } else {    $paid = false;}   if($credits == 0){    $paid = true;}   $errors = array();if(isset($_POST['paynow'])){    //echo 'work!';}if($paid == false){    if(isset($users_credits)){        if($credits > $users_credits){            $errors[] = 'Not enough credits for this action. Visit credits page from your profile to charge up your account!';        }           } else {        $errors[] = 'You need to login before you can watch this video';    }   }$smarty->assign('errors',$errors);$smarty->assign('messages',$messages);$smarty->assign('menu', 'videos');$smarty->assign('submenu', '');$smarty->assign('view', true);$smarty->assign('autoheight',$autoheight);$smarty->assign('player_width',$player_width);$smarty->assign('hd',$hd);$smarty->assign('video', $video);$smarty->assign('self_title', $self_title);$smarty->assign('self_description', $self_description);$smarty->assign('self_keywords', $self_keywords);$smarty->assign('videos_total', $total_related);$smarty->assign('videos', $videos);$smarty->assign('page_link', $page_link);$smarty->assign('comments_total', $total_comments);$smarty->assign('comments', $comments);$smarty->assign('page_link_comments', $page_link_c);$smarty->assign('page_link_comments_bottom', $page_link_cb);$smarty->assign('start_num', $start_num);$smarty->assign('end_num', $end_num);$smarty->assign('is_friend', $is_friend);$smarty->assign('guest_limit', $guest_limit);$smarty->assign('credits',$credits);$smarty->assign('paid',$paid);$smarty->display('header.tpl');$smarty->display('errors.tpl');$smarty->display('messages.tpl');$smarty->display('video.tpl');$smarty->display('footer.tpl');$smarty->gzip_encode();?>
Try this :

Declare $paid to false at the very top of the code :

$paid = false;

The rest of the code...
You mad as fuck because you suck.
You have no life.

Last edited by blackmonsters; 12-17-2011 at 04:42 PM..
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