Originally Posted by Paul Markham
To get a 9 figure some from investors and being in the field they are in, it would obviously take a very detailed plan and projection. More paysite acquisition, more offline porn company acquisitions. Yes it sounds good. We shall wait and see, I waited for the DP buy to be made public, will wait to see more.
Good for you. Who's next on your shopping list? Maybe online porn being owned by a few big boys working together, with the little micro Ma & Pa operations making a living is the best way forward. Concentrate on the fundamentals and not have to compete hammer and tong in a fragmented industry for affiliates and traffic. Seems ironic so many brown nosing you when you're in the business of dominating the industry. 9 figures gives you a good head start.
To get such a sum takes a well planned strategy. Not just going in and saying "If we had $200,000,000 we could buy lots of companies. You need to tell them who, when, how, price, return, etc.
I assume you've applied to a bank for a business loan. I have.
Pussy. Just put me on ignore. I made a valid comment. They are mostly picking up companies that have had their day or taking over the online operations. When they buy or take over one of the top players we will see the future. Still 9 figures invested in an online porn company in these days. You have to present pretty good plans, forecasts and spreadsheets to get that money from the financial sector. I see you're just the product manager, the CEO would know what is required to get this kind of backing from the financial sector.
I'm just throwing in the opposite view to the brown nosers. 
I'm sure their spreadsheets pale in comparison to yours.
https://gfy.com/showthread.php?t=1042...=spreadsh eet
Originally Posted by Roald
Who would be the top player(s) today according to you?
Well, Beate Uhse generated sales of appx. $250MM in 2010, so they're likely #1 globally.
They do most of their business in Germany, France, Holland, and Belgium. If the actual revenue by country breakdown is even anywhere close to
what this alarmist looking website claims it to be, it doesn't seem like much of a stretch at all to secure an amount equivalent to 2 years of Beate Uhse sales with the goal of dominating the US and Canadian markets and to do it with an acquisition strategy that is very similar in scope, and even more concentrated than that of IAC, a company with a $3B USD market cap.