New features:
- Automatic full article extractor. Starting from version 6, the CyberSEO plugin is able to automatically extract full-text articles from shortened RSS feeds using special service provided by our partners from WM Utils. So if you are going to use this new feature, please make sure to test your shortened RSS feeds here to see how it works. Before to syndicate the generated full-text feeds into your blogs, you must get a written permission from the original content owners. Do not steal the copyrighted content. Otherwise you are risking legal action.
- Proxy support. CyberSEO will use your proxy-list to access all internal URL’s. The proxies are usually used to parse those services that do not allow frequent connections from the same IP’s.
- The CyberSEO plugin version 6 has acquired a brand new auto commenting tool, which allows to automatically post comments using user-defined content and random names.
- The synonymizing algorithm has been fully rewritten and optimized. Now it works faster and uses more than 2 times less memory.
The owners of CyberSEO version 4 and 5 may upgrade their plugins to version 6