There was a poster just the other day asking about how to add a ClickTag to make a flash ad clickable ... maybe they're not sure how to fix the problem yet / can't afford the software?
The "and much more" has me intrigued ... the services advertised on Backpage, etc comes to mind.
Presumably the financial bar to skinning GFY has gone way down ... was once, reportedly, $25K minimum ... I'd wager these days, $5K or maybe even less, buys a skin ad here.
Let's face it, the pool of potential
productive affiliates to advertise to is a fraction of what it once was - many have left the business while many who remain struggle to just costs and eek out some extra bucks.
That's par for the course. Can't fault them too much though, if what you say is the case, since starting a dating site from scratch with so many competitors and social networking sites, which essentially undermine the need for paid dating sites, is darn near impossible these days.