Looking for WP guy to help me skin my site.
Hello - I'm looking for help - need someone to put the skin of the design I made into WP.
Here's what is needed:
I. FREE section
1. with free samples to convince the people to get to
the join page - that should be TOUR page.
2. Join page - with fields for members to apply and to be charged
3. The free section should have the social networks buttons /
facebook, twitter, myspace, followgram and that orange icon RSS.
II. Members section / the free plugins for members around are not
working - probably I will have to buy one that would work in my
case. This should work like CMS - allowing categories, search by
category or keywords and ratings.
III. Blog section - that's the blog where all the news and eventual
communication with viewers will happen. This one should be ads
friendly, i.e widgets with adverts should be installed.
You don't have to do any creative job - just WP integration.
I can pay through Paypal or wire transfer. Send me mails with your propositions and samples on mail posted under my sig. Make a post here first then mail me.