Originally Posted by XPays
dude- I have 20 emails back and forth with you. i spent a ton of time going back and forth with you and you debated the fees. Can't please them all.
good news - we sold 3 separate affiliate networks in the past 60 days btw. if you are easy to work with, so are we.
Actually we were emailing back and forth for a month to set up 5 minutes to chat on the phone after you said we would discuss the deal live, as you would for selling a company.
You could never find the time. It's fine, obviously the business wasn't worth it to you and that's ok, but trust me your customer service is some of the worst I have encountered.
And to be clear I have posted negative comments on GFY about 5-7 people/companies tops here over the course of a decade, so you should be proud to make the list.