Originally Posted by Robbie
Would Europe be considered the "civilized world"? Nice and peaceful?
Coulda sworn that Europe was war after war after bloody horrible war for the last few thousand years.
Hell, most of the civilized world doesn't NEED to own guns. They are constantly being issued military uniforms and being GIVEN guns to kill the people in the next country over.
yeah ok civilized may not be best choice of words, anyway I just dont see how owning guns to some people is the essence of freedom but mainly I wanted to post that will ferrell pic as I think it's hilarious and sums up the post i originally quoted.
after the port arthur massacre in Aus where something like 35 people were killed there was none of this left vs right politicized debate like ive seen here blah blah freedom, my rights. It was just like 35 people are dead, thats unacceptable, fuck this we dont want it to happen again and the conservative government at the time took all of 12 days to pass new laws and enact strict gun control. 0 mass shootings since then.