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Old 04-27-2013, 11:46 AM  
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No one is uploading that amount of data out of their "love for freedom" or their humanistic drive to share quality media with people who can't afford it.

These guys are making a profit, mainly via file locker affiliate accounts where they get a commission when downloaders sign up for premium accounts to download the uploader's warez.

The file locker's excuses on this are so thin as to be see through. Everyone involved is making a profit on the margin made available by not having to pay anyone for the product they are reselling.

Unfortunately there are still many countries which are basically safe havens for both the uploaders and the file locker site owners so despite the fact the legal system would probably be able to prosecute both parties in civil as well as criminal courts in the US, UK and some EU countries there are huge numbers of people in Indonesia, China, Nigeria, etc who make a lot of money this way. When organized crime gangs in Eastern Europe have groups of people uploading non stop and posting the links there's some indication of the profit potential for you.

I keep saying it, the most effective strategy long term is next gen DRM and a commitment to keep it updated. No other solution will work long term. Going after the file lockers is a game of musical chairs (same for going after their payment processors). Strategies to lock the internet down completely will never be adopted. Kind of pointless to try and discuss it though, most content owners are just as lazy as everyone else and would of course prefer everyone else / anyone else pay the cost to protect their property.

This stuff has been going on for how long now? 25 years+ or so and we're no closer to a solution and the problem has in fact gotten much, much worse as it evolved into a revenue stream for the criminals.
-= Software / Systems Architect and Server Geek =-
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