Super SysAdmin available for Hire
Hi GFYers,
I provide the following services:
Script installation, setup
Dedicated server continuous management (including VPS or Cloud)
Development work
i can cover the following areas and have 10+ years experience in most.
PHP, Python, Linux, FFMPEG (very advanced installation covering most codecs with my own bug fixes for some libraries that don't compile), DNS, Apache2, nginx, MySQL, PostgresSQL
CDN, Memcache, Networking and Firewalls
Security hardening of servers.
Apart from that I mostly work on Amazon AWS for the cloud but no problem with most platforms.
I work fast, have my own cluster of servers, dedicated 150Mbit fiber optic broadband for work.
All work is billed on hourly basis and proper invoicing is available, for example even for continuous server management I only charge when some works needs to be done and bill the hours, if its few minutes i'll prorate it. I work alone and by myself, no outsourcing, re contracting etc. If some work falls outside my specialization I let my employers know and can offer to contract it out to my local contacts (usually it is web designing or large CMS/custom development which i cannot do alone)
my ICQ: 639597024
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