Originally Posted by ReggieDurango
Okay, I hear what you're saying. However, maybe there's another way to think about this. The word queer of course has for years been historically known as a very derogatory term for gay people. However at my college and I know at many other colleges, the gay population there embraced the term and owned it as a way to express themselves. They had parties entitled "QUEER BASH" and other types of things like that so maybe, you guys should just embrace the term "tranny" and make it have a new definition like these gay populations of these colleges I'm talking about.
Reclaiming words is totally cool, but even if trans* people decided it was okay for them to use, it would not be okay for cis people to use it to market content. The n word has been reclaimed in certain circles, but it wouldn't be okay for a classy art porn organization to use that word to market porn, either.
(And, for what it's worth, I'm cisgender, so I'm not a part of the community. I'm just shocked that a company with a feminist porn award would use this language without indicating some insight or thought about the matter. That's not very feminist.)