Originally Posted by XXXProxy
The free portion would be a pain to manage, as I have played around in the free hosting arena. Clients would just upload clone banks sites, etc.. to get users logins. If you are offering something already for free, such as the themes etc.., the serious people would sign up for this. Free hosting is a good marketing idea, but doesn't benefit the cause ($$$).
Well i will have to think about some protection, it doesn't matter even if i don't go only adult, there are spammers everywhere, multiplying, duplicating, replicating blogs just to get users. I would probably restrict to only few free blogs untill i verify you, or some kind of verification on registration.
The main thing would be uniqueness of this kind of project. custom themes with easy management and set in only 5 min. Imagine you have a website where you only upload batch of images and give a title to the post. And in front end user see whole gallery of images and when he click on one he open it in large format on new page, and he can easily go next and previous image in gallery, this is hell of a good thing for traffic.