Originally Posted by Tube Ace
I spent MANY MANY hours with Paul B on ICQ (I have over 400 messages to / from) and dozens of emails helping with customizing the site even after he threaten to "track me down and castrate me by cheese grater". I was never paid anything more than the original license fee.
That was funny shit. Chris I was never rude to you until you decided to take weeks to respond. I told you I understand your busy but your script wasn't working for my needs.
All you had to do is say I'll get back to you. You ignored me like the OP.
I remember when I offered to castrate you with a cheese grader but in my defense that was when your update screwed things up while I had you on icq and I was worried you were gonna bail. Remember the part about offering your services for hire after the update didnt work because I had customized some pages? That week I was up for Visa approval and told you that I had no time for fuck ups.
Speaking of jokes tell everyone about the excuse you gave for not getting back to me for a couple weeks. You know, the one about you and Bill Gates on vacation and how he had to jump out of the plane mid flight to fix one of the engines and something about you snorting coke off his ass. That was a good one.