Originally Posted by Fat Panda
Eric its time to appoint a Buy/Sell specific moderator.
All the same spamming maggots are violating the rules daily. Its time to delete their threads and if they continue BAN them.
I have been warning most people, but then i sometimes miss a day and do not warn some of the offenders i missed because doing so would just bump their threads for them... I've just been warning posts that are towards the top so the warning isn't actually a benefit to them..
One thing that ticks me off is this guys thread in the wrong forum:
I sent Eric an ICQ on the 6th about it.. but I haven't seen him on ICQ in forever..
Originally Posted by Mike@Azzara
If you did some offers and maybe after a few days you wanna change some info. itīs impossible, so you have to make a new reply, which can maybe be treated as a bumping.
I had to do that today, put some new info in a sale which is important. So I had to reply to myself.
I think most people would think that's ok... i.e.: when i sell domains from a thread i post which ones were sold and a fresh list...
or for L1NKS if there are a limited number of spots, i'll reply with how many are left..
But then you get people like
this guy who most likely is not selling anything and talks to himself... using that loophole as a bumping technique
I think part of the reason for not being allowed to edit the posts after X # of minutes is for shady sellers who might change the terms of their original post (or in other forums change their post for other nefarious reasons).
I haven't been warning most content posters.. because I am on the fence with them.. many have numerous topics going, and post "updates" with sample images.. it's borderline.. so I haven't said anything because I just wasn't sure.. lol