We can accomodate you at
How does this fit your needs?
Dual Xeon L5520 Quad Core (Special)
◾Dual Xeon L5520 Quad Core 2.26GHz
◾16 CPUs (incl HT), FSB 5.86 GT/s (8MB cache)
◾24 GB DDR Memory
◾2x 1000 GB SATA (RAID0/1)
◾5 Dedicated IPs
◾Remote reboot port / KVM
◾5 TB Monthly Transfer
@ $159 per month (
order now)
Your monthly contract with XenLayer includes full system management. We will:
- Migrate your current websites
- Install the services and scripts you need
- Configure your system software
- Help you out with whatever you need
- Perform updates, patches and periodic check-ups
- Monitor your servers for resource usage and abnormal activity