Hey..looking to make some quick xmas cash?
Looking at someone familiar with Oxwall (or at least can adapt to it fast)..it's not that hard if you have time..I DO NOT!
I need a new landing page with some ZIP into it! The default page is all white and boring as hell. This is for a free gay social pic & video posting site.
Need some colors on the main site (after you become a member). Current ones are really white and BORING.
Make an account at
24hourmen.com - social networking (it's free) and you can see what I'm talking about. Would like to get this done soon..if you can only do the landing page (which is the most crucial of the two, since that is what is going to really impress someone to join), that's kewl.
Let me know here, or best alternate way is by email:
ijay 333 at yahoo dot com