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Old 12-25-2014, 01:41 PM  
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Originally Posted by TheSquealer View Post
haha.. this reads like you followed a step by step guide on "how to turn a girl off by being a bitch".

the only true way to put it in the past as quick as possible and shut those chemicals down in your brain, is to start seeing more girls,... the more, the better.

Otherwise, just be honest with yourself. It is what it is. It will pass soon. She's telling you in every way that she's not interested without being mean. She doesn't want you. She won't want you and she will never be with you. Don't look for hope in texts, don't read into everything and just accept that it isn't going to happen and there are 10,000,000 more "very special and unique" girls out there just like her. You're young, one day you will laugh about these moments and how silly you are being and be embarrassed to even talk about how you acted/are acting right now. Man up.

In the future, don't act like such a bitch when pursuing a girl. Be an alpha male, not a bitch. Don't chase her. Don't shower her in gifts... think of your greatest masculine hero and ask "what would he do". You'll find better answers in that than in following your instincts which clearly suck. He definitely isn't acting like a twat. He's attracting women to him through his appearance, his character, his charm, his behavior, by being strong, by being interesting, by being a leader etc. He's not chasing them like a sad and lost puppy.

Women are biologically wired to find a strong mate. Strong character, strong personality, physical strength, style, intelligence, strong social skills etc. You've demonstrated yourself to be the opposite of everything she wants in a man (whether she consciously knows what she wants or not). Accept that you fucked it up, call it a learning experience and start over.

Oh... and Merry Christmas
Thank you for the detailed reply, and Merry Christmas to you as well.

I'll be honest, I don't play the Barney Stinsen (How I Met Your Mother character) persona of treating women, as if there are many and they are easy to get etc.

I consider myself to be mature and I try to show intelligence, connect with the woman, use social skills and try to find things in common etc. We would have deep conversations for an hour or two discussing family, our history, our education etc.

Then she brought up a guy that she was starting to chat with and so I decided to play her game and I showed her a picture and told her about a girl I was starting to chat with. Here I was trying to use psychology to show her other girls are interested in me, but I don't think this helped.

This is concerning me, as I think you're right - maybe my approach is fucked up and I've fucked up this entire thing? I've tried to be me, but I don't think I've given the appearance of being confident.

To be honest, thinking about it now, a lack of confidence might be a big issue
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