Originally Posted by Jel
but purely because I was being true to myself for the first time in years.
I think you hit the nail on the head, I would describe myself as a people pleaser.
If my friends say they want to go for Chinese and I really feel like Pizza, I would go to Chinese and not say a thing.
If I really want to watch a new movie that has come out, but they want to watch Sci fi (which I don't enjoy), then I would go with them.
By doing this, by always doing what they want and by me not putting my foot down and doing things that I enjoy, I think it leads to me not knowing who I am and what I enjoy.
This could actually be my main issue - that I'm a people pleaser/push over and therefore don't know what I am, and therefore can't expect to portray myself to someone else if I don't even know who I am?