Originally Posted by VikingMan
In a nutshell just treat them like you would your little sister. It has been said before that you kind of put them down a little in a fun way like you would do to your little sister. Be a bit of an ass. The hotter they are the better this method works.
Absolutely true, if the person is trying to be something he is not and never will be. I suppose I am talking about being a more idealized version of yourself. It's the same as with TheSquealer James Bond example. You don't actually believe you are James Bond, that would be delusional. LOL But you bring out the best aspects of yourself.
If you want to be more confident there's no trick to it, you just be more confident. Confidence is a feeling, and we, as human beings in control of our own minds, can trigger any feeling we want whenever we want.
So you are being you, just a better, more confident "you". A you at your best, as it were. If you will. :D