Originally Posted by Kurtis
Hey Everyone,
2 weeks before Xmas my position was eliminated from Teen Revenue as they could no longer float my salary. I'm in a bit of a ruff place and would appreciate if anyone that is hiring for a remote position or a relocate to western Canada. I was part of the start up team of XTube.com in 2006 and left XTube in 2013. I know my way around NATs and have tons of really strong ties in the industry. I have overseen the construction of many custom sites and CMS's. If you are interested please hit me up and I'll send over my CV.
Kurtis Potec
Hello Kurtis,
I'm looking for someone that has experience promoting webcam site, we have some really good features to go with the promotions and are hoping to launch soon.
Hit me up on Skype if this sounds like something you would be interested in.