Originally Posted by Relentless
No, because You, Anthony and I have a greater total weight than him. It has nothing to do with the fact that there are 3 of us and 1 of him... or the relative skill levels... all that matters is total weight. That's why a giant block of cement was World Champion from 1870 to 1903. Nobody could beat it. It weighed more than the rest of the fighters and everyone who kept hitting it just got frustrated and quit. It's "basic physics"
you are completely ignoring the context of my claim to be able to beat a far lighter fighter...royce gracie is maybe 80kg with a chubby belly...he has at best 70kg muscle I am close to 100 and ripped...I can military press royce for reps...man its almost 30kg this is 60+lb weight advantage...gimme a break eh?