Originally Posted by rogueteens
Seriously? Are you a fruit short of a basket? Europe is to blame for all the slavery that went on in Africa before they went there? And when they did, the infrastructure was already there ... and well after slavery was banned in Europe, slave ships from arab countries still brought slaves from the native black slave traders.
Yeah, I'm xenophobic, I'm xenophobic because its now offensive to fly the Union Jack in businesses, I'm xenophobic because the IS flag flies in Tower Hamlet housing estates, I'm xenophobic because I can walk down streets in East London and not see a single word of English in shop windows, I'm xenophobic because some Muslims harass and attack women and gay men for being in 'their' areas or attack men who have brought booze, I'm xenophobic because women have been denied the right to vote in some areas because they are dressed 'too western', I'm xenophobic because supermarkets now stock meat that has been prepared in the unbelievably barbaric halal method, I'm xenophobic because its now been revealed that scores of Pakistani gangs have been and still are abusing underage white girls and have gotten away with it for years because it would be racist to say anything.
This just lies. One Muslim flag flew on one gate and was taken down by a Nun. I walk through Tower hamlets every week and English is everywhere. There is a sport centre there where I play. There are dozens of pubs in the area, along whitechapel high road, check it out on google maps. In the UK there is meat for Jews Muslims and Christians it only bothers fascists. Pakistani men abused girls and have gone to prison. White DJ Jimmy abused children for years and did not, big cover up of white people in power abusing children for years and telling the police to stop investigating.
The only people who trot out this nonsense are the BNP - the fascist party. rogueteens must be one of their retarded racist members