Originally Posted by Rochard
Not caring why he was pulled over. If your brake light or tail light is out, that's valid reason to get pulled over. The truth is minor violations like this tend to lead to much bigger things.
While this is clearly not a justification for what happened, it surely is a valid reason to pull someone over.
i personally dont think its a valid reason for cops to go 4th amendment on a person.
yes, they wrote up the laws so that it is legal/valid for a cop to pull over a person. But in my opinion, its bullshit to be pulled over cause a little light over your license plate is out. public safety is not at risk if is harder to see a license plate. they are hard to read even when the lights all work.
they set up the law so they have nit picky reasons to pull you over if they are suspicious of you. They can pull you over if your car is too loud or if your tint is too dark. just lame excuses so in court they get around having only a cops whim as the reason for a stop.
at this point theres enough bullshit in the law that a cop can stop you for anything. that can make it feel like a police state. let me smoke a bowl beside a lake without getting hassled. supposed to be the land of liberty, USA.