Originally Posted by freecartoonporn
amazon ses + sendy.co
Generally these are going to be costly options if you're paying on a per email basic and sending often. If you're looking to send 1-2 times a month and you're getting some nice ROI this is a solid way to go.
If you're looking to get into email marketing where you send more often, and try and monetize your list with various adult/mainstream affiliate offers that will be a whole different ballgame and will require a few bucks to be able to clean up and sort a list to make sure you't not torching your ips on the first send.
Different tld's (aol, yahoo, verizon) have different rules and throttles for you to try and inbox, much less deliver in general. In short, better to send accordingly once sorted. You would want to get that list scrubbed to get out all of the spam traps and alike that could be in there before you even do you first send. There are services that do this, and normally charge per 1m cleaned. Even if you use an ESP service like the one recommended above, you would still want to scrub out any screamers, spamtraps, and alike. Any ESP has a complaint tolerance threshold and you need to do what you can to stay below it. You want a decent MTA where you can track all of you opens and clicks. There are many available, and some are much better for dealing with creatives for your offers.
That is just the tip of the iceberg, but you get the idea. Good luck!