Thank you Everyone for such great comments and testimonials!
@ A Titsburgh Feeler - I see you have been doing some very in depth research before deciding where to park your money. I think it this is exactly the way to do it to avoid any problems or surprise later on.
I see you have asked more question about the sign-up process and i feel i could give you even more feedback from the first hand:
- once you register you have immediately access to everything we provide on your testing environment
- we don't force you to use just ONE way to integrate or none; instead you can chose to integrate our platform in the best way it suits your model or payment scenario you have or always wanted to have; the system will cope with anything you may think of in this regards. You have a complete flexibility from A to Z,
- you can integrate in any programming language you wish or your developers know!
- integration can be done in few hours once you decide how you want to have it. Two weeks or month of coding to integrate are no more ;-)
- adding our new features is a matter of copy-pasting one line of code
- paper work has been limited to minimum to save time and compliance turnaround is fast
- your merchant account will be delivered in guaranteed max of 5 working days after signing the agreement!
- APIs, doc specs and SDKs are publicly available online
- Entire tech support team for your disposal if needed.
Short and flexible integration process = money and time saved!
Contact me directly for more detailed explanation should you chose to close a deal with us.
Thank you!
Lucas Dominic
Email: [email protected]
Skype: mrluke17
SecurionPay is a cross-device, online and mobile based payment gateway that offers merchants, developers and end-users friendly and simple card payment experience. Set of clean and robust APIs is capable of supporting any payment scenario in the most secure and easy way.
SecurionPay stand-alone gateway provides fast and limitless integration possibilities. Embedded payment form and advanced Checkout (pop-up) simplify enduser flow and are designed to increase conversion rapidly. FINANCIAL TECHNOLOGY SIMPLIFIED