That is the nice time for an adult webmaster to start your project on KVS, FTT2 and SmartCJ on super fast SSD VPS or reliable dedicated server from HostiServer!
Most popular servers with promo:
VDS/VPS (USA/Netherlands) - SSD-20/CPU 2.5GHz/2GB RAM/25GB SSD/2TB/1ip/ $20 + ULTIMATE KVS $431
VDS/VPS (USA/Netherlands) - SSD-45/CPU 2.5GHz/4GB RAM/55GB SSD/4TB/2ip/ managed $45 + ULTIMATE KVS $431 or + FTT2 for $200
VDS/VPS (USA/Netherlands) - SSD-70/2xCPU 2.5GHz/8GB RAM/100GB SSD/5TB/2ip/managed $70 + ULTIMATE KVS $431
Dedicated servers (USA/Netherlands) - E3-1230V3/16 RAM/2x1TB Re4/2 IP/10 TB managed $130.00 + ULTIMATE KVS $431 or + SmartCJ Pro for $119
Just remember, that with an advance payment of three months or more you get an additional discount of 10% for the whole period of pre-payment
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