Haha funny replies.. I'll be sure to get my nude uploaded asap
My only site at the moment is jugnut.com
I signed up for as many content providers with affiliate programs as I could find and then chose only the ones I felt had the right kind of content for jugnut.com to aggregate. It's a tube site, pulling from sources like xhamster, drtuber, redtube, etc.. but I also made an 'images' section that pull from various RSS feeds that provide at least one medium to large size Image for me to merit it being called an Image post.
I don't think it's doing too bad, it's only been live for 3 days and yesterday it got 2500 uniques. I'll be starting more niche sites in the future, but baby steps.. want to make sure I know what I'm doing before I throw up a bunch of trash (that I have to pay to renew every year) on the interwebs.