Originally Posted by OldJeff
I am taking this as an answer to me since it is patterned that way.
I am as conservative as you are.
Plant my ass right square in the middle
Marry whoever the fuck you want to, government should stay the hell out of it
Legalize drugs
tax everyone at exactly the same % (with the fist xx,xxx tax free for EVERYONE)
Stay the hell out of the womb, unless your dick is that big (and even then, fuck a little shallower)
Only issues I have with the left is, stop blaming guns for asshole killing people, and stop punishing success to reward the useless
Would the Right allow us to marry anyone we like, smoke drugs, run a country on so little tax revenue, we know it won't allow anyone to stop selling guns to assholes. It's all in favour of that.
You ask for Liberalism and claim to be a Conservative.
Are you willing to pay more for a Private police, justice, prisons, border control, education, security, healthcare (well that one's a yes), firemen, ambulances, street lighting, business regulators, sanitary, and a whole lot more of the services that we all take for granted?
Are you willing to lose the Net Neutrality? Unless you believe the Right Wing wouldn't break that given the chance.