Originally Posted by Denny
9k hits can easily be 100 uniques or so...
The left 3 columns are from my hit counter in the database and the right 3 columns are a direct cut and paste from my CB stats.
If you notice the hits count from CB tracks very closely to my unique count.
The hit count column on the left is the actual number of hits I sent.
The main differences between the 2 counts are because my counter is 24 hours based on my server time which is an hour off from CB.
I also am using my own formula to figure uniques based on cookies I set and their formula does not match exactly.
If you notice, on the 16th my sign ups were way off. I had dropped very badly in the rankings back on Dec 22. I corrected that on the 15th and my traffic came back to normal on the 17th. So, the traffic on the 16th reflects really crappy rankings where the traffic from the 17th on reflects mainly page 1 rankings.