Originally Posted by demedia
I run a data science technology startup which is not offering services to the adult industry directly. To keep things separated, I will extend our services here through Foxy Mobile. For the adult industry, I think the most interesting way to implement machine learning algorithms might be for content stores, VOD and Cam site recommendation system solutions.
The most practical Machine Learning (ML) technique we can use in the above mentioned areas (
content stores, VOD and Cam sites) is Content Based Recommendation (CBR).
BTW: dating sites can also benefit immensely from implementing ML algorithms.
CBR works by matching user’s interests with attributes of items. Using ML, we can make predictions based on user and item i.e.
the extent of like or dislike. Then, we convert these predictions to ranked recommendations. The platforms can use these ranked recommendations in several different ways to significantly increase their conversions.
There are other recommendation approaches and models but CBR is probably the most suitable for the adult industry.