Getting a merchant account sounds enticing, because you may get to keep a greater slice of the pie. However, with all the hoops to jump and fees it really isn't worth it until your are well established and making well over 10k a month.
ccBill has it's pros & cons. The pros include thee fact that people might feel safer signing up because it's a trusted brand name. The cons include the fact that you might be paying a higher commission on sales and see a higher chargeback rate as opposed to a merchant account.
Chances are your merchant account is going to be labeled "high risk" from day one if you tell them it's for a porn membership website. They are going to watch you closely over the first year,making sure chargebacks less than 3% and if you aren't making them (basically VISA, MASTERCARD, ETC...) enough money to be worth it, they might drop you like a hot potato.