Shooting porn stars and other professionals. Is usually very easy, fun, sexy and friendly. Have so few memories of bad sessions with porn stars and other professional porn models. I won't bother to try to recollect them.
From the early days, I found them easy to work with. They would turn up on time, with their make-up, suitcase of clothing, shaven, tanned and hot to trot. The first porn star I shot was Sharon Kayne. Upper-class Jewish girl who loved fucking so much, she wrote to Private and asked if she could be in a porn shoot. As an introduction to the world of porn. This is what Sgharon was rewarded with.
I shot Sharon shortly after. Unfortunately most was swiped in a police raid and even though not illegal. The bastards destroyed everything. Including my accounts for the years and all the documents. This set is all that survived.
I still have the set for those interested, it's pretty soft.
Sharon would giggle uncontrollably when she orgasmed. Never made a girl so happy afterwards. LOL
She loved what she did and threw everything into her work.