Originally Posted by C H R I S
I was actually looking to see your reasoning for supporting Trump, not name calling.
I saw your other thread where you say you are pro choice and in favor of other issues the dems support. For me, womens rights is a major issue in this election. Putting republicans and a right wing supreme court in power would take these rights back to the 50's.
its been a right wing supreme court for a long time now. abortion is not back in the 50s. what recent case has been about re-banning abortion? none. but
this recent one, the vote was safely in favor of pro choice. how many justices will trump have to replace to overturn abortion? 2,3 maybe more depending on who leaves?
its possible, just like porn survived edwin meese & john ashcroft, that abortion would survive trump nominees. if that issue is your main #1 thing, then obviously hilary is your choice.
but i cant have an abortion, so my #1 thing is free trade, followed by the national debt. & bernies ISIS policy, or lackthereof, counts him out in my book. so trump.