If you were to get a hard appraisal for this domain, you would be disappointed.
However, it does not mean that you could not obtain a better than appraisal price.
You have to understand how they are conducted.
Supply/demand of the keywords in search terms and advertising. (thats a seo value)
Since it is a name without website no data on referral links.
But if it has a unusual amount of natural (type-in) traffic and that can be verified, that is a plus. It could have a high value just based on type-in traffic alone.
There are other factors but that should sum it up.
Not very many names will appraise over 2k unless there is some good data for it. Not that you can not obtain prices over that.
I would save yourself the money for a appraisal. If it were a name that you know has data to support values exceeding 2k, that would be different. Category killing names like fetishporn etc would be worthwhile.
It's worth what you can get for it. When you want more than average price for a name, you need to be able to show value to the buyer. The buyer is looking for a ROI on his/her investment just as you do.