Originally Posted by the indigo
Also checks are getting old. It takes another 21 business days to cash them in Canada.
I don't know where you bank, but I have been with Canada Trust (now TD Canada Trust) for decades and my cheques are deposited and the money available to me immediately. The only time there is a hold placed on a cheque is when I request they do it (I ask them put a hold on cheques that look "odd" to me, or from a company I've not dealt with previously).
But a 21 day hold is not the norm for everyone, I can assure you.
Insofar as this thread is concerned, reaching out to Mike, Joe, Scotty or Crystal has always been received positively for me, and although some payments took some time, they've always paid up. I hope their new banking arrangements serve them well. It has to be frustrating for them as well having to deal with this sort of intervention and interference with their business relationships, including with those of their affiliates.