Originally Posted by thommy
correct - it is more or less an investion to make sure that the conflicts will go on.
and anyway - it is not really US money what they give them (US do not have money - itīs bancrupt since 20 or more years).
they lend it from countries like japan or china, give it to israel and now comes the really funny part: israel is lending the money back to US and charge interest.
so in all those years it changed from "aid" to "payback interest" - but sure - you canīt call it like that in a countries household.
goverments in US really have an easy job. they take a piece of cow shit, put it in nice colorful paper, decorate it with a beautiful ribbon and give it to their citizens as a present.
and IF someone will open it and realize that there is cow shit inside, they just have to find some enemies and make them responsable.
Ridiculous. Educate yourself before you speak.