Dear Publishers,
Ain't it fantastic, guys? Our crew has been struggling with AdBlock for quite a long time, trying to develop a new code able to cope with adblocking not only at the domain level by changing it but other banning levels. Finally, we did it!
Please meet the next-gen
Anti-AdBlock 2.0!!!
►The next-gen
Anti-AdBlock 2.0 allows three methods of ads opening. If one method doesn?t work for some reason, the other two will do.
►We have already tested
Anti-AdBlock 2.0 on plenty of websites and seen no problems with adblocking at all.
►Moreover, the new solution has a better algorithm of ads targeting and personalisation. It means, in addition to total protection from traffic and money loss, you get more opportunities to boost profits.
Please aks your private manager for a new code.
Use it right now! Follow the link ->
Go to Clickadu
Any questions left? Ask! Skype me at:
oksana clickadu