Originally Posted by crockett
There were shit loads of Obama topics.. Vendillza used to make a new one every day.. the entire "Thanks Obama" came from how much right wing bats cried constantly about Obama..
Also Obama wasn't shit, like Trump is. the right might of not liked him but he wasn't breaking the law, he wasn't ignoring ethics laws. He didn't pick cabinet members who had connections to a country that just hacked our election. He didn't put lobbyist into cabinet positions who have direct conflicts of interest in the area they are now governing.
Trying to compare Obama to Trump is apples and oranges. Republicans made up anything they could to cry about Obama vs Trump causing his own issues daily.. Apples & Oranges..
Did you forget about the entire Tea Party movement and the non sense from that? Every time I went to a post office there were dumb dumbs out side with pictures of Obama made up like Hitler trying to collect signatures for impeaching him..
You don't live in the US, you honestly have no clue how nuts the right wing went over Obama.. The reason a moron like Trump was elected is because they went so fucking nuts.
He wasnt ignoring ethics? LOL, he lied to everyone about his healthcare plan. His main constituents said we have to pass it to see whats in it. So ethical...