Aaaaand now that I created the droplet and I would be ready to install I have doubts about the panels...
I made a small list of what I use of cpanel and for what
Actually, of cpanel the only buttons I use are:
- phpMyAdmin-> to manage MySQL databases
- MySQL databases-> To create DATABASE and users
- Addon domains-> To add/remove sites
- Cron jobs-> To create Conjobs (one per site)
- File Manager-> (almost never) 99% FileZilla
- Privacy Directory-> I think you can use Httpassword
- FTP Account-> only one, with one I manage everything
- Optimize website-> One time on the first day (set compress all)
- Select PHP Version-> add remove PHP modules (es cache)
- Switch to PHP option-> I think it's all on php.ini
- CPU and concurrent connection usage-> monitoring (nixstats)
- Let's encrypt-> add HTTPS to sites
- MoD security-> Usually less touch better is...
Everything else I've practically never even looked at.
On this server I think to put only 4-5 sites, very simple, need only PHP, MySQL, and cronjob to work
Then some caches, eg. Memcache, varnish, Opcache, acpu, etc.
I could use this to put the server online
This to monitor it
PHP I think I use the 5.6, the subsequent I have always caused problems or loss of visits (but maybe it's my problem)
I need a quick way to turn on/off errors and set E_ALL &-E_NOTICE, but I think it's always php.ini
(Don't go very well with my URL rewriters, they create endless log files and they waste a lot of resources, so I turn it on and off every time I have to make some changes)
For varnish and other chache I hope there are guides around...
Mails don't need it
I miss HTTPS, some sites use it, I have used let's encrypt, but I think he needs a panel, I also saw Autossl, but I did not use it, I have no idea how it works, suggestions?
Surely, it seems little but it is very much, there will be many small things to configure install and manage, but I have taken a look at some guides and overall it does not seem impossible
At this point I think I still keep a bit the shared server and start moving just a couple of sites (the one with a few visits) in the new droplet Digitalocean and start to make everything work, then if everything works keep moving sites, otherwise I change the DNS and I return to the shared server... (Hopefully not)
Tips? Recommendations? Things I forgot? Problems that I will surely meet? Errors that everyone does at the beginning, to avoid?
Every help and advice is greatly appreciated... thanks