Thank you
Almost online, in the end I thought I'd install an 14.04 with PHP5 native, then later with calm install a 16.04 with PHP 7. And I will manage the whole changing DNS
There are almost, the databases are online, the files are online, only one last thing is missing, the symlink.
My sites to work need to symlink to a folder that contains functions shared by all.
Usually on VPS with cpanel I created the symlink by creating a file with this code and loading it into public_html.
symlink('/home/pornupda/public_html/function_global', '/home/pornupda/public_html/');
Now the situation is strange...
I have these
In /html responds the server IP, in public_html my sites (following the tutorial has happened this)
In public_html:
I tried to create the symlink with this code
symlink('/var/www/public_html/function_global', '/var/www/public_html/');
I uploaded the file in /html (I also tried /public_html/
But he says
Warning: symlink (): Permission denied in/var/www/html/add_symlink_digitalocean.php on line 3
How do I create this symlink? What have I missed?
Can I change /html in /public_html? is a mess happening? Better rather if I move my sites from /public_html to /html? Just to put a little in order...