root@ubuntu-2gb-blr1-14-04-3:/var/www/html# du -sh
988M .
root@ubuntu-2gb-blr1-14-04-3:/var/www/html# du -h
612K ./
24K ./
93M ./
1.7M ./
28K ./
110M ./
8.0K ./function_global/poptm
36K ./function_global/chaturbate_banner_rss
12K ./function_global/bongacash_banner
12K ./function_global/traffic_company_banner/mio iframe
32K ./function_global/traffic_company_banner
68K ./function_global/page_banner
12K ./function_global/hilltopads code.txt
8.0K ./function_global/pdo
12K ./function_global/popads_adblock
16K ./function_global/popads
8.0K ./function_global/mobile_detect/export
8.0K ./function_global/mobile_detect/namespaced/Detection
12K ./function_global/mobile_detect/namespaced
288K ./function_global/mobile_detect/tests/providers/vendors
292K ./function_global/mobile_detect/tests/providers
776K ./function_global/mobile_detect/tests
24K ./function_global/mobile_detect/examples
1.2M ./function_global/mobile_detect
160K ./function_global/juicyads_banner
12K ./function_global/clickadu
1.9M ./function_global
684K ./
20K ./
28M ./
656K ./
20K ./
80M ./
4.0K ./cdn
676K ./
24K ./
79M ./
636K ./
24K ./
63M ./
1.6M ./
28K ./
4.0K ./
242M ./
988M .
That I know, the only cache systems currently installed are APCU, memcached, Opcache
CDN is the only folder with about 15000 photos, but it is the one that I can not extract because it is finished space